
WiPHoF Charter

I. Creation

Women in Poker Hall of Fame was founded on May 1, 2008 by Lupe Soto, a poker enthusiast with the objective to give honor and prominence to women in the game.

II. Mission Statement

The Women in Poker Hall of Fame is an international entity commemorating women of outstanding performance in the poker world. Its purpose is to enhance awareness and celebrate contributions and achievements of women in poker as recognized and respected representatives and proponents of women in poker.

III. Method

The Women in Poker Hall of Fame is under the stewardship of the living Hall Members. Induction selections take place every two years (even number years). Hall Members meet six months prior to an election year to formulate a ballot from public nominations. Once the ballot is formed, each living Hall Member and select media members, cast their votes from the formed ballot of candidates. Additionally, the public are allocated a united singular vote. Each voting member is allocated ten votes to cast as they wish among the candidates on the ballot. Once the selectees are identified, the Committee Chair informs the Inductee Elect and should they accept, they are inducted during a WiPHoF Induction Ceremony and Celebration.

IV. Meetings and Organizational Planning

The Women in Poker Hall of Fame is comprised by Hall Members and a WiPHoF Volunteer Committee. The Hall Members maintain the integrity of the Women in Poker Hall of Fame. A WiPHoF Volunteer Committee executes the induction celebration. The volunteer committee must have a minimum of two Hall members who oversee the committee. One Hall Member acts as the Committee Chair. The WiPHoF committee is comprised of poker players, poker industry professionals, and other interested parties to assist in the celebration formation and execution.  Meetings shall be held annually and at such other times and locations as may be deemed appropriate.

V. Expenses

The Women in Poker Hall of Fame is a Non-Profit Organization. The expenses of the Women in Poker Hall of Fame are maintained through fundraising and sponsorship avenues.